Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh humanity do not take Muslims lightly
They are the friends that would burn for your salvation
Oh humanity do not take Islam lightly
It is the way that is keeping the memory of what came before and the vision of what will come after.
Oh humanity your inheritance is this gift. Don’t squander it for fool’s gold and false promises
Whispered by your enemy who has entered like a guest and who will leave like a thief
He will ruin you before he is done
So ancient a tricky one is he
Don’t rebuke, like a child who won’t sleep
Long past his bedtime call,
The door for you to know yourselves
And your Gracious Lord.
Your inheritance is Islam
Your gift is Islam
Your only protection is Islam
The wolf that is your shepherd now
Is trying to do everything he can
To keep the real shepherd away
He makes you to curse him
so the real one waits atop a hill not far
And watches the lambs eaten one by one
Oh Celtic people
Who took away your lineages
And your exalted genealogies?
Who told you what you knew was wrong
Who made you lose your minds one night
In bitter sadness and pain?
Who told you you had no Lord
And that you were just a speck,
A nothing less than nothing
Lingering in time and space?
I am here to tell you
That is not true
Your Lord is your treasure
And your Lords treasure is you
Break through oh living ones
While you still can
Your heart is an emerald mirror
Upon which shines a humming moon
Your breast contains the looking glass pools
That stare into eternity
You are the ancient kings and queens
That danced upon the moors at night
Who rode across the shining dales
To fight for truth and light
You are the mysterious magic
Of the maidens stare
You are clear, clean, brimming, subtle,
Delicate, perceiving light
The deeper you look within
The more beautiful you become

Revelation is
To show you who is your friend and who is your foe
What is wrong and what is right
It is the fertile soil for your
Becoming Human
For your entry into the Divine kingdom
To take your seat as your Lords Servants
Its time now you take what is yours
The Heavens have just moved
A change has rippled from the Unseen
The age of falsehood has breathed its last

Stand up! And take what’s yours.

I bear witness there is no god but God and Muhammad is His Messenger.

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