Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am Muslim
Not a slave
I follow the unlettered Prophet,
In a time when conditioning runs so deep
I follow the one who was the most unconditioned on earth:
The pure one, the virgin one, the beloved one
Mustafa Muhammad
Al hamdulillah
I will never erase his name from my life
My religion is Islam,
I'm not Christian but I follow Christ
I'm not Buddhist my I follow the Buddha
I'm not Jewish But I follow Moses
I follow Muhammad and follow them all
for it is him that binds them all
I follow the final phase of the revelation
and its In Muhammad that I found my humanity
Left the madness of my mind
the violence of meaninglessness
I came to Truth
I'm so proud and happy and grateful
To be Muslim in the end of times
the greatest move I made
away from insanity
to eternity
My teacher is Shaykh Nazim
The Muhammadian Inheritor for the end of times
My Shaykh and my teacher
You can't tell me he is not true
because I met him in his home in Cyprus in 2008
and he changed my life with out saying a word
he took my weight and gave me light
I carry it still in my heart
and it makes me discern what is true and false
That is what's called living revelation
I am Sayfudeen
which means
The Sword of the Religion

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