Sunday, October 31, 2010

Two Rakats

HusbunAllah RabunAllah
God is Sufficient for me, God is my Lord.
Now I know why Prophets laugh when
We cry and cry when we laugh.
All this pain we suffer through,
Of worry, of what tomorrow will bring,
Of how you will pay your debts,
Care for your loved ones, keep it together,
Disappears when you sit and repeat:
HusbunAllah RabunAllah
God is sufficient for me, God is my Lord.
Say it over and over again and connect yourself
With your light filled teacher.
You begin to smile
Prophet peace be upon him was
Known to be the smiling prophet.
You begin to laugh.
You began to laugh uncontrollably.
All your problems,
Indeed the word “problem” itself
Loses all meaning.
When you realize your Lord is your protector
The punch line of the joke of your pain
Is rendered and you just can’t stop laughing
It’s so ridiculous to worry
And you feel Shaykh Farhat is laughing, Mawlana is laughing, and Prophet is laughing
Divine is laughing
And the more you suffered
The more you laugh
Until you get to that point where laughing and crying become
One again
Where you don’t know if you’re laughing or crying or both
And you feel so happy and thankful
That you can praise your Lord,
And that he chose Islam
For you,
That he gave you the
Treasure that outweighs the two worlds:
Two rakats
And the words
HusbunAllah, RabunAllah.

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