Thursday, November 11, 2010

Islam Is

Islam is pure
Islam is beauty
Islam is hope
Islam is a gift
Islam is something to carry
Islam carries you
Islam is true
Islam is clean
Islam is cleaning
Islam is direction
Islam is orientation
Islam is a reboot for goodness
Islam is a prayer and a fast
Islam is a voyage and a charity
Islam is bearing witness that there is One God
Islam is honouring the Messenger of God, Muhammad peace be upon him
Islam is what Jesus preached
Islam is what Moses said to Pharaoh
Islam is what Abraham deduced from the heavens
Islam is what Noah rode with in the Ark
Islam is what Adam gave to his children, what Cain rejected
Islam is to believe and to honour believers
Islam is protection against evil and devils
Islam is a sword of light against the armies of darkness
Islam is the milk mother of humanity
Islam is the shepherd
Islam is the protector of Christianity and Judaism and all true faiths
Islam is the safety of certainty
Islam is the fertile field for holiness
Islam is for the meek ones, the poor ones
Islam is for the mighty ones, the rich ones
Islam binds humanity in meaning
The space of Islam is the space for healing and sanity
I love Islam
It gave me
I love Islam
And I wear its honour on my face
And in my being
I wish for honour and safety for all my fellow human beings
My advice
Build your house on strong foundations

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