Monday, September 27, 2010

Contact with God

Contact with God
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovitch
This extract is from a 1944 group meeting in Paris.

G: I have already answered this question when someone asked the same thing. I said: if you do not have an ideal, if you do not believe in God, then your father, your mother, your teacher can serve for you as an ideal.

Q: I have an ideal, I have always been a Catholic. But I no longer see Jesus Christ in the same way.

G: In the beginning Catholicism was very good, but not latterly. They searched for midday at two o'clock; they diluted everything. In the beginning it was superior to the Orthodox religion and to all others.

Q: I cannot recapture the faith of my childhood.

G: That is not necessary. You have lost that possibility. You are no longer a child, you are big now. You should have logic and not search automatically. To have direct contact with God is impossible. Millions and millions of nonentities wish to have relations with Mr. God direct. This is impossible. But you can have a relation in this line. What you do here, for instance, has this changed your interior ideal - since you took part in our conversations? (Yes) Then perhaps you have confidence in the person who directs here? (Yes) Then he can serve as techer in the meantime.

Q: That does not satisfy me entirely. I want something else.

G: Then make a program. You do not know what you want. I wish you to understand that your nearest - father, mother, teacher - can serve as your ideal in place of God. The real God, forget him. As you are, you can never have relations with God. When you have grown, this could be, but you are one among millions of nonentities. Meantime, take as an ideal whoever is nearest and then you can pray to God, because this person has an ideal also, this ideal has in turn an ideal and so on, on to God. God is far, there are many stages before you reach him, do not think about Him. Your ideal will be your God. Later you can have another ideal.

Mme. de Salzmann: God is much too far away. You are too small to have direct contact with him. Only he who is immediately above you can be God for you. He is a God who in his turn has a God. It is a ladder, there is always something above. Each degree (rung) leads you to another rung and you get your answer by the same chain.

G: You cannot pray directly to God. You imagine so, but you waste your time. It is from there that psychopathy comes. Like a monk. He says directly "God". He manipulates like this (gestures) and sixty years later he perishes like a dog without ever having received anything. He wanted God directly. No one has seen Him, for the law of contacts is strict. This law exists everywhere. You will look for your God when you have felt yourself guided in the right direction, on a good road, for instance by Mme. de Salzmann. Then she will be your God. She is not God, but she will be your first stage; you can have contact with God through her; make all your prayers and good manifestations pass through her and that itself will make contact with the next stage. Then a third stage and finally it is possible that your prayer will reach the real God. Exactly like the telegraph; a message to a relative in the country near Lyons. First from Paris to Lyons; then to another town, then to the village, then to your reletive's house. By states and it takes some time.

Friday, September 24, 2010

glad tidings to the strangers!

The first words of Prophet were:

Actions are based on intentions

The First Words of Allah to Muhammad were Iqra! Read, Investigate, look into, think about

Muhammad was known as the Ummi Prophet, Literally "from his mother" not formally educated, unlettered

therefore, not conditioned, unencumbered by conditioning, pure, free from the dirt of affectation of the dominant confusion at any given time, free from what divided man from culture to culture, generation to generation.
In other words, ready to receive, not with mind, but heart
From the pure energy of a holy woman,
That is also the honor of women!

Actions are outward movements in a world of illusion
Intentions have to do with your inner world, your reality and are Divinely

No way to have good intentions if your hooked by the dirt of propaganda, conditioning, pain, fear.

We are yet non entities, nothings in the bad sense, we have to strive to be real, find the real beneath the countless false faces, then we can ask what is the true religion, what are the true steps, who is a true Prophet? How can you know if we are not true ourselves

Only the pure ones have pure intention:

imagine to look at the sun and moon and not count them,
To look at people and not judge them,
to see the things of this world and not term them, this and that
imagine we could be ready to receive whats coming unencumbered
Intelligence is not mechanical,

it is something given to all humans

we must join with those ways which protect the purity of humanity
and project its endeavors to heaven and eternity

Peace be to the strangers in this time:

For Prophet said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”

Go Habs Go

...In such a world, there is no longer any place for intelligence, or anything else that is purely inward, for these are things that can neither be seen nor touched, that can neither be counted nor weighed; there is a place only for outward action in all is for this reason that the Anglo-Saxon obsession for sport gains ground day by day: the ideal of the modern world is the 'human animal' who has developed his muscular strength to the highest pitch; its heroes are athletes; even though they be mere brutes; it is they who awaken popular enthusiasm, and it is their exploits that command the passionate interest of the crowd. A world in which such things are seen has indeed sunk low....
-Rene Guenon- Philosopher of the 20th century

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am Muslim
Not a slave
I follow the unlettered Prophet,
In a time when conditioning runs so deep
I follow the one who was the most unconditioned on earth:
The pure one, the virgin one, the beloved one
Mustafa Muhammad
Al hamdulillah
I will never erase his name from my life
My religion is Islam,
I'm not Christian but I follow Christ
I'm not Buddhist my I follow the Buddha
I'm not Jewish But I follow Moses
I follow Muhammad and follow them all
for it is him that binds them all
I follow the final phase of the revelation
and its In Muhammad that I found my humanity
Left the madness of my mind
the violence of meaninglessness
I came to Truth
I'm so proud and happy and grateful
To be Muslim in the end of times
the greatest move I made
away from insanity
to eternity
My teacher is Shaykh Nazim
The Muhammadian Inheritor for the end of times
My Shaykh and my teacher
You can't tell me he is not true
because I met him in his home in Cyprus in 2008
and he changed my life with out saying a word
he took my weight and gave me light
I carry it still in my heart
and it makes me discern what is true and false
That is what's called living revelation
I am Sayfudeen
which means
The Sword of the Religion