Friday, September 24, 2010

glad tidings to the strangers!

The first words of Prophet were:

Actions are based on intentions

The First Words of Allah to Muhammad were Iqra! Read, Investigate, look into, think about

Muhammad was known as the Ummi Prophet, Literally "from his mother" not formally educated, unlettered

therefore, not conditioned, unencumbered by conditioning, pure, free from the dirt of affectation of the dominant confusion at any given time, free from what divided man from culture to culture, generation to generation.
In other words, ready to receive, not with mind, but heart
From the pure energy of a holy woman,
That is also the honor of women!

Actions are outward movements in a world of illusion
Intentions have to do with your inner world, your reality and are Divinely

No way to have good intentions if your hooked by the dirt of propaganda, conditioning, pain, fear.

We are yet non entities, nothings in the bad sense, we have to strive to be real, find the real beneath the countless false faces, then we can ask what is the true religion, what are the true steps, who is a true Prophet? How can you know if we are not true ourselves

Only the pure ones have pure intention:

imagine to look at the sun and moon and not count them,
To look at people and not judge them,
to see the things of this world and not term them, this and that
imagine we could be ready to receive whats coming unencumbered
Intelligence is not mechanical,

it is something given to all humans

we must join with those ways which protect the purity of humanity
and project its endeavors to heaven and eternity

Peace be to the strangers in this time:

For Prophet said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”

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